GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The surgeon just left. He's pleased with the results. They did not have to remove any part of her skull, they were just able to shave down the bumps. They saw the fracture and said that at one time it had gone through the dura, but her own scar tissue had closed up the gap and there was no need for them to repair. So they were able to stay on the outside layer of the skull. We are so pleased. That is what we were hoping for. We can never thank you all enough for all of your unceasing prayers and we can never thank God enough for this big miracles and all of the little ones leading up to this!

God IS good.


  1. Oh my goodness HE is good, so good indeed! Wow! You must be elated and on your knees in praise and thanksgiving! So relieved all went exactly the way you and the doctors wanted it to. Praying she is comfortable and recovers quickly!

    Lisa A
    Fellow Travel Group 152a Family and mom to Izabella!

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw; Excellent news!!! God has her exactly where she is meant to be -- not only with top notch medical care but in the most awesome family too!!!

  3. Thanks to both of you.

    Lisa, I'm thrilled that you've been praying. Thank you! All our love to you and Dan and Izabella! I'm hoping to have some time to check out your websites and catch up on your news! God bless you all!

    Barb - :-) love to you all and tell Steve his offer of donor blood was in one word...priceless :-)


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