School Success

Molly's first day of 1/2 day Kindergarten at our local preschool was VERY successful. She absolutely loved it, loved her teachers, loved her adorable and sweet, sweet classmates (all 10 of them). She is thrilled to be there and has a lot of catching up to do as Kindergarten isn't the same as it used to be. They really work hard and know a lot already, like how to write full sentences and how to read LOTs of sight words. She's practicing a lot at home and has amazing initiative. It is very exciting to watch her learn so much, so quickly!

She continues to amaze us with her relationship with her siblings. It is truly beautiful to see the love they share, something only God could create and grow. It's a good thing!!

We truly are blessed more than we could have ever asked or imagined. We're so grateful to each person and family that is in our lives and for God, in Whom All things are possible!


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